My ACT scores in Math were high enough to let me skip the beginning college courses. Thank goodness, because going back to college full time at 24 years old, as a single mom, with a full time job was, eh, challenging.
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I loved math til I figured out I actually wasn't any good at it! I was taking double the credit hours in college with special permission from the Dean to fast track my way through an undergrad. I chose COMMUNICATIONS as a degree by thumbing through the catalogue and looking at the number of credit hours required for each degree. Only 124 hours needed - least number of credit hours needed from the list of all degrees offered. The next 4 years, was not a luxury I had so I doubled down and got it all done in 1.5 years. No joke.
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This is how I figured out I am actually no good at math. I cram everything I can into 24 hours of 1 day. I HAVE ZERO TIME FOR SLEEP! I slept about 3 hours a night for the next 2 years and created a major sleep debt.
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I made a big mistake. I made a life decision based on money. I took the LSAT and was accepted into Law School at the University of Arkansas. I was a single Mom and a certified Paralegal at the time. I was making $24k a year. That felt like pennies in a bucket after all the bills I had to pay. I calculated my expenses of the next 4 more years obtaining my Juris Doctorate - education loans, living expense loans, malpractice insurance cost, leasing my own office etc. I calculated I would be earning a min $100k a year with my Juris Doctorate. After paying back all the expenses my calculation showed me I would only “break even” in that education investment at age 55.
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So, I snagged a corporate gig right before graduation with Fortune 500 Company Leggett & Platt. I was so proud of myself! It was everything I hoped it would be. I had an office with a window, I traveled through airports to exciting cities, the position provided a corporate vehicle and cell phone. Don't judge me, I was allowed to pick out any phone - it was the hot pink Razor phone. I really thought I was important!!!!
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I wrote this article back then, you'll see how much I like numbers.
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This major sleep debt I had created in undergrad was not kind to me. Every time I sat down I would instantly fall asleep, unless it was at my desk, of course. On an airplane, the stewardess would wake me every time. At the gate, I would hear my name called over and over and barely make my connections. Driving down the road - well, lets just say, I can't blame my sleep deprivation for that issue. I'm a terrible driver.
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I did fall asleep at one business meeting. I was so embarrassed, but my colleagues made a good joke of it and started calling the name of some girl from a movie who always fell asleep and would be held up by her ponytail. Because I'm not a TV watcher, so I have no clue what the movie is. If you know, leave it for me in the comments below.
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That big mistake I made by not investing in Law School, I decided to apply the same level of “effort” that I would have applied in a “monetary” effort. I made a life choice with that decision that my happiness is more important than any monetary debt. I hustled to secure my happiness. I pushed myself to hustle for my dreams. #encouragewomenbiz